Tag Archives: Professional Athletes

LeBron James – Time to Find Egoscue

LeBron you body is talking to you… your performance has show during your series against the Celtics. Listen to your body King James its time to bring your body back into balance. Great blog from Egoscue Portland : LeBron James’ Elbow Injury: The Tip Of The Iceberg

We have been watching you King James and your stance is really jumping out as painful. Now I can’t help but see he is loading his right leg more then his left. One shoulder is higher than the other.

What have you noticed?

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Can The Broken Be Fixed?

Can the Broken be Fixed? John from Egoscue Nashville comments on Lindsey Nobles blog post.

This was my favorite part :

Lindsey puts it as simply as one probably can: “We take perfection for granted.” WOW! That speaks, doesn’t it? Perfection is exactly what we have with the human body. There are no design flaws. It’s a perfect creation, and yet, only when it’s ‘broken’ do we snap to attention to address the problem. Of course, if you know anything about Egoscue or have read any of the other posts here, you know that I don’t believe your knee pain means your body is ‘broken.’ Instead, it’s simply your body’s way of getting your attention. Just like your car, it’s alerting you to the fact that something isn’t quite right, and extra attention is needed. The good news is that BOTH are fixable.

I am changed are you?

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Can these shoes really tone your legs and butt just by walking?

Reebok’s new EasyTone shoes for women make a lot of promises I think it might mislead many into buying them. I think Reebok did some smart marketing because it hit the vulnerability of every woman.

Loved the article from the New York Times. Favorite part: “The shoes are designed only for walking, and because of the instability design, wearers are discouraged from running, jumping and engaging in other athletic activities while wearing them. So the real effect may come from simple awareness that they are wearing a muscle-activating shoe, causing them to walk more briskly and with purpose.” So the questions is was it the shoes or from actually walking more? If there is a hint of possibility something will tone your muscles with less effort, too many will try it.

Shari Feuz’s blog believes that the shoes will lead people to tone up if you use them the right way. But how many will follow her specific strategy?

Shari’s right strategy

To get the most out of your EasyTone shoes and to see changes in your physique such as more definition in your thighs and butt, set some smart training goals and stick to your activity schedule. Here’s how:

1. Commit to a physical activity schedule. Look at your weekly schedule and identify a cumulative total of at least 150 minutes where you can fit in physical activity (that is only 30 minutes on 5 days of the week). Write these sessions in your day planner and do not schedule over them! Your sessions might include something as simple as leaving fifteen minutes earlier to walk to work, walking 10 minutes on your lunch break, an afternoon workout, or after dinner family walk.
2. Set measurable goals for each bout of activity. Use a pedometer and set daily step goals (ie: 10,000 steps per day), or set a measured walking route (ie: 10 blocks) Measurable goals are the key to success!
3. Use classic strategies to move in your EasyTones more everyday: park in the furthest parking stall from your destination, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to amenities in your neighborhood instead of driving.
4. Apply principles of progression and recovery to avoid injury and overtraining. This means start gradually, and allow sore muscles a day or two of rest.
5. Complement your EasyTone walking with a balanced strength training routine. This may require cross training shoes that support heavier lifting, lateral movement and impact, depending on your personal program.

Read her whole blog : Can these shoes really tone your legs and butt just by walking?

The controversy continues. Let us know your opinion.

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